Empowering RCFEs with an easy to use, secure SaaS solution for all their State required documents

  • Resident listing with profiles, timeline, ADLs, medications, and all required documents

  • Staff listing with profiles and required documents. Ability to make inactive if not working

  • Influenza/ illness testing questionnaire for residents and staff

  • Caregiver portal for ADLs, medications, and care notes documentation

  • Medication management, E-Mars program, PRN and controlled substance accounting

  • Calendar features for staff, residents, and facility

  • Training log and sorting features add- trainings for one or multiple staff

  • Title 22 and available search features

  • Resources for your county, state and federal agencies. CCLD PINS

  • Inspection tool and inspection report module

  • All CCLD required forms ready to fill in digitally, save, print, send and upload features

  • Dashboard for emergency plans and resources ensure your facility and staff are ready

  • Future updates and features to program at no additional cost

  • 24-hour email support, 9-2pm phone support, in person support for additional fee